Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Michelle's Minnesota State Fair Musts!

It starts tomorrow! Here are the things I usually do every year.
1. Giant sing-along. Like Karaoke, but everyone gets a mike!
Jen and Bethany, 2011

2. Walk through every merchandise and craft/display buildings, even if I don't buy anything. some of my friends submit crafts and baked goods to win awards!
crop art

3. Beergarita and guac from Tejas!

This year, it was a necessity.
 4. Watch doggies do tricks! A few years ago it was Doggies of the Wild West, featuring rescued chihuahuas and jack russel terriers doing fairly simply tricks, but it was cute. This year I will see the Extreme Canines Stunt Show!
roll on little doggies
5. Try new foods! This year I am intrigued by the blueberry foam beer. I don't really care for beer, but I'm gonna try it. (I always bring a ton of Tums and Lactaid for my tummy. I know where all the bathrooms are.)

6. Do something for the first time! Last year I rode the Space Tower. This year I will do the river raft ride.

7. Drink Minnesota wine!
Me and Abby
8. Watch a live broadcast of the news at the Kare 11 barn. You can get on TV, and sometimes there is free food!
2013, Julie Nelson (Randy Shaver is behind her)
 9. Go to the MRP booth, watch DJs from the Current do interviews or watch local bands perform.

10. Watch the parade, everyday at 11! or is it 1? I'll get a schedule.
Princess Kay of the Milky Way and her court. Oh to be a butter sculpture.
11. Maybe get a henna tattoo. Depends on the line.
12. Spend so many coupons from the Blue Ribbon coupon book!

13. Free music at the Leinie's Bandshell! Last year we saw Blue Oyster Cult. A few years ago we saw Brandi Carlile (like a week after Holly had her appendix out. She didn't have much fun that day.)

14. Visit Karl.

15. Visit the animal barns, unless my allergies are acting up. Do you realize how many breeds of chickens there are??
Oh what do you do? You're an alpaca? what on EARTH is that
It should be pretty obvious that I have to go a few times! I hope to go Saturday or Sunday unless it's too hot and rainy (which it might be). But then I just dress appropriately!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks so fun!!